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Frequently Asked Questions about Bill Irwin

  • Does Bill Irwin know about this site?
    Yes! This site has been running since 1996 when I first contacted him about putting it together. However, it's since been superceeded by his official site and moved to largely archival use.

  • Where can I get a copy of REGARD OF FLIGHT?
    The commercial sources of REGARD have dried up. Contact me for the most current information.

  • How can I send fan mail to Bill Irwin?

    All postal mail for Bill Irwin may be sent to him care of:

    Lisa Loosemore, Manager
    Viking Entertainment
    445 West 23rd St.
    Suite 1A
    New York, NY 10011

    • Requests for an autographed photo must include a self-addressed stamped envelope that is large enough to contain an 8x10 photo.
    • Items sent to be autographed must be accompanied by pre-addressed return packaging and sufficient postage or they will not be returned. Please note that specific timelines for returning submitted items cannot be guaranteed.

    The other option is to send postal mail to him care of a theater where he is performing or directing while his show is running.

  • Is there a Bill Irwin fan club?
    Not at this time, no.

Any other questions you'd like answered? Just ask and I'll do my best.